The Sugar Smart site will close permanently on 1 August 2024.

Many thanks to all of you that have supported the project.

The Sugar Smart team.


Primary Schools & Early Years

Get accredited

Get accredited by an external organisation to ensure the food and drink you serve is healthy for people and planet.

  • Get your workplace or institution accredited by an external body – to ensure the food and drink you serve is healthy and good for the planet.


As consumers, we increasingly expect food to be healthy and sustainable and we care about how it has been produced. While individual products must display nutritional information on their packaging, this is not the case with prepared food. External accreditation ensures a set of standards is maintained and helps communicate these principles to customers.

Please join SUGAR SMART to access all the downloads for this action.

SUGAR SMART is working with primary schools and early years across the UK to help people become smart about sugar.


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Run a SUGAR SMART assembly

Run a SUGAR SMART assembly or session for children using our video and information resources.

Get kids creative

Get children to make viral content such as videos or interviews to share on social media channels.


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