The Sugar Smart site will close permanently on 1 August 2024.

Many thanks to all of you that have supported the project.

The Sugar Smart team.


Sports & Leisure

Ban price promotions

Ban price promotions on sugary drinks and snacks such as discounts, multi-buys, free items or meal deals.

  • Eliminate all price promotions on sugary drinks and foods in any retail outlets at your workplace.
  • Eliminate all unhealthy multi-buys, free items or meal deals.


Download and read about hospitals in England that are ending price promotions. We hope you get inspired to take similar action in your canteen, café, shop or restaurant.

Price promotions have a huge influence on our food choices. Banning unhealthy price promotions is in an important step in dissuading people from consuming too much sugar.

Please join SUGAR SMART to access all the downloads for this action.

SUGAR SMART is working with sports centres and parks across the UK to help people become smart about sugar.


Already registered? Sign in

Get kids creative

Get children to make viral content such as videos or interviews to share on social media channels.

Have a SUGAR SMART quiz

Run a quiz with surprising facts about sugar in everyday food and drink.


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