The Sugar Smart site will close permanently on 1 August 2024.

Many thanks to all of you that have supported the project.

The Sugar Smart team.



Promote water

Install water points and promote drinking water as the number one drink.

  • Make sure everyone at your venue or workplace has access to free drinking water.
  • You can create a water fountain by connecting a dispenser to the mains water supply.
  • Or simply make sure there is a fresh jug of water on every table at your school, club or restaurant.
  • Promote water instead of sugary drinks. For instance, you could hold a ‘water week’.

Sugary drinks are the largest single source of sugar for children and teenagers. They offer no nutritional benefits to a nation already suffering high levels of obesity-related diseases and dental decay.

Please join SUGAR SMART to access all the downloads for this action.

SUGAR SMART is working with retailers across the UK to help people become smart about sugar.


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Set SUGAR SMART challenges

Set a sugar reduction challenge, such as giving up sugary drinks for a whole week.

Remove adverts for sugar

Remove ads and make it policy not to advertise or promote any food and drink high in sugar.


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