The Sugar Smart site will close permanently on 1 August 2024.

Many thanks to all of you that have supported the project.

The Sugar Smart team.


Secondary Schools

Help pupils make good choices

Teenagers are consuming too much sugar, particularly from sugary drinks. More and more kids in their teens are being diagnosed with diet-related diseases. Understanding what sugar does to our bodies is vital if we are going to turn the tide and reverse the obesity crisis.

Take action now to get your school on the road to becoming Sugar Smart.


Get accredited

Get accredited by an external organisation to ensure the food and drink you serve is healthy for people and planet.

Get kids creative

Get children to make viral content such as videos or interviews to share on social media channels.

Go Fizz Free

Take part in Fizz Free February and recruit people to go fizz free for the entire month.

Have a SUGAR SMART quiz

Run a quiz with surprising facts about sugar in everyday food and drink.

Improve vending options

Remove sugary items from vending machines and display information about the amount of sugar in everyday food and drink.

Increase the price of sugary drinks

Increase the price difference between sugary drinks and healthier alternatives

Promote water

Install water points and promote drinking water as the number one drink.

Remove adverts for sugar

Remove ads and make it policy not to advertise or promote any food and drink high in sugar.

Remove sugary drinks

Stop selling drinks high in sugar and promote water and no-added sugar drinks instead.

Run a SUGAR SMART assembly

Run a SUGAR SMART assembly or session for children using our video and information resources.

Run a SUGAR SMART recipe demo

Use low sugar recipes to do cookery demonstrations and help children and adults make better choices for their meals.

Set SUGAR SMART challenges

Set a sugar reduction challenge, such as giving up sugary drinks for a whole week.

Sign up to healthy workplace schemes

Get your organisation to sign up to schemes such as the Workplace Wellbeing Charter or London's Healthy Workplace Charter.

Spread the word

Spread the word in your community on the dangers of too much sugar by organising events or stunts.