The Sugar Smart site will close permanently on 1 August 2024.

Many thanks to all of you that have supported the project.

The Sugar Smart team.



Spread the word

Spread the word in your community on the dangers of too much sugar by organising events or stunts.

- Organise stunts such as a tooth fairy demonstration.

- Organise a SUGAR SMART stand at festivals, conferences or events.

- Organise your own SUGAR SMART event or meeting in the community.



Involve local volunteers and organise a stunt such as a tooth fairy demonstration, handing out tooth brushes and information about the dangers of consuming too much sugar. 

Involve people in games and challenges, inviting them to guess the sugar content in popular products. People are always surprised to learn how much hidden sugar is in everyday products.


Please join SUGAR SMART to access all the downloads for this action.

SUGAR SMART is working with retailers across the UK to help people become smart about sugar.


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Set SUGAR SMART challenges

Set a sugar reduction challenge, such as giving up sugary drinks for a whole week.

Promote water

Install water points and promote drinking water as the number one drink.


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